Privacy Notice

What is a privacy notice?An icon of a person with question marks above their head

A Privacy Notice tells you what personal data we (AudioActive) collects about you, how we use it and what you can do about it. Personal data means any information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, address or picture. This privacy notice is designed to be read by children and young people; you might want to read it with a parent or guardian. If you still have questions, you can email or ask a staff member at any sessions you attend. You can also view our more detailed Privacy Notice.

   Who are we?

AudioActive is a youth music charity. We have worked with children and young people in Sussex for 20 years, helping people to discover and develop their musical talents. Did you know that ArrDee, Celeste and Rizzle Kicks started out coming to AudioActive sessions? And Rag n Bone Man is one of our patrons. You can learn more about us and what we do on our website.

Who looks after your information?An icon of a padlock

AudioActive is the data controller of the personal data you give us. We appoint a Data Protection Officer – this person makes sure we do everything the law says we should to keep your data safe. If you want to ask any questions about the personal data we collect, please email our Data Protection Officer at

Why do we collect and use your information?

We will only collect your information when we need it to help us do our job or to follow the law. We might use it to get in touch with you, to provide you with the services you’ve signed up for, to protect your welfare, to assess the quality of our projects, or to comply with the law.

   What information do we collect and where does it come from?

Examples of your personal data might be your name, phone number, address, emergency contact details, your access needs, or relevant medical information (such as allergies). Most of the time you give us this information when you sign up for a project or event. Some projects require a referral from an adult (like a teacher, parent or youth worker) – they won’t share information with us until they’ve spoken to you and you’ve said it’s ok.

Will your information be shared? 

When we have to share your information with other people, we will only share it when you say it is ok or when the law says that we have to. When your data is shared with someone else they must keep it safe. 

We use some online tools and services to help us process data (such as email, online forms etc). These services are known as ‘Third Parties’. You can find a list with some examples of the services we use at the end of this page.

Do you have to give us your information?

For some of our services and projects you will be asked to give us quite a lot of personal information. Some of this information you’ll have a choice about whether to give us, but there will also be information that we definitely need in order for you to be able to join a project.

An icon of a fist   What are your rights?

You have the right to:

  • Be told how we use your information.
  • Ask to see the information we hold about you.
  • Ask us to change your information if you think it’s wrong.
  • Ask us to remove information we hold about you when it’s not needed anymore.
  • Ask us to only use your information in certain ways.
  • Tell us you don’t want your information to be processed.

You can exercise your rights at any time by speaking to a member of AudioActive staff, or by emailing There are some cases where we might not be able to carry out your request for legal reasons, but in all cases we will get back to you within 30 days to explain what we have done about your request.

Ways we use your information

Attending projects and mentoring sessions

We will share relevant information such as name, phone number, emergency contact, access needs, dietary requirements etc with the AudioActive music leaders running the session. This is so they can make your session great and keep you safe. Also see venues information below.

Photography and filming

We may take photos or film during gigs and cyphers to use on our social media, marketing and internal reports. We will always tell you when we’re doing this, and for what reason. If you don’t want to be included, you can let any member of staff know. Even if you’re happy for your photos or videos to be used, you can change your mind at any time and ask us not to use them anymore. If you are under 16 we will ask your parent or guardian for consent for you to feature in photos or videos.

At our venues

If you are hurt or have an accident at any of our venues, and need first aid, we will keep your name, address, phone number, age and health information. We need to keep this information because of Health & Safety laws. We will keep this information for 6 years after you turn 18 in case you want to contact us or complain about us.

When visiting venues your image will be captured by our security cameras, which are there to prevent damage or harm and keep everyone safe. Most of the time this footage is kept for at least 2 weeks. If it is needed to solve a crime it will be kept for longer.

Using our website

Cookies are small files stored on your computer. They are designed to hold a small amount of data to ‘remember’ you when you visit a website, and to make your experience of the site better. You can change your cookie settings at any time, learn more about your online choices here:

We use Google Analytics to collect information about what pages on our website are visited most often. This information cannot identify you personally and we only share general data with our funders.

Third party services

AudioActive uses some external services to help us process data. These are known as ‘third party services’. Before using any third party service we check that they keep your data safe and abide by UK data laws. A few examples of these are below. See our more detailed Privacy Notice for more information.

  • Google Workspace – we use this to send emails and to store data and information.
  • Salesforce – this is our contacts database and we use it to monitor project attendance and other useful data.
  • Hubspot – we use this for registration to some of our projects, and to send you emails about anything you need to know about sessions you’ve signed up for.
  • JotForm – we use this to make registration and consent forms online so we don’t use up lots of paper.
  • Mailchimp – we use this to send out newsletters.


This Privacy Notice was last updated on 23rd of July 2024.

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