AudioActive’s schedule of Free Music Sessions for Young People in Sussex

AudioActive are excited to announce that our monthly radio show produced by young people will now be airing on Platform B.
AudioActive Radio, a project started thanks to RadioReverb announcing AudioActive as their charity of the year for 2020, is now several episodes and several team members deep. Each broadcast is curated and produced by young people we are working with, using the project as a chance to gain more experience in the radio and wider media industry. From tracklisting to DJing to presenting to journalism, the young people involved can finetune their skills with fortnightly production meetings, culminating in a monthly show that will air on the first Wednesday of each month from 6pm.
Wednesday 4th May will mark AudioActive Radio’s first show on Platform B, the non-profit community ‘next generation’ radio station that has been broadcasting across Brighton and Sussex since 2016. Tune in via the Platform B website and 105.5FM to hear AudioActive Radio live, with playback following via the Platform B Mixcloud.
Young people looking to be involved in the production of AudioActive Radio can express their interest using the linked form. Our experienced music leader, artist, DJ and broadcaster Elijah (Nelson Navarro / Nelson-6) leads the project and welcomes anyone under the age of 25.
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