AudioActive’s schedule of Free Music Sessions for Young People in Sussex

As an organisation and as people, AudioActive are firm believers in the potential that music has to create social change. As such, we recognise our own potential in the fight against racism.
AudioActive was founded with equality in mind and over the past 16 years has worked with young people from various diverse backgrounds, aiming to empower them through music, art and education. In light of the incredible momentum behind the Black Lives Matter movement, we feel it is not a time to rest on laurels or be complacent with our approach to anti-racism.
We are committed to fighting racial injustice and transcending our ‘actions speak louder than words’ approach. In terms of providing opportunities for young people of all backgrounds, our now regular anti-racism meetings have proved to be informative and inspiring, with just one of our end goals being to provide more specifically targeted spaces for people who experience racism.
Understanding the intersectionality of discrimination and structural inequalities that exist within society is crucial in our approach and we believe diversity at every level of our staffing body is key, too. We are working on ensuring we have a greater representation of all marginalised groups within our organisation.
We feel that Brighton & Sussex’s own responsibility to ensuring equality and human rights to people who experience racism is huge and that despite being seen by many as a ‘liberal’ place to live, this should not be confused with being anti-racist. More work must be done, and at AudioActive we are keen to ensure that this is indeed not a moment, but a movement towards a better, fairer society for all.
We expect this statement in itself to evolve over time and are committed to providing action reports on such commitments in our annual report.
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