AudioActive’s schedule of Free Music Sessions for Young People in Sussex

Ever wanted to find out more about the work of AudioActive and the life changing impact of music in young people’s lives? Join us this Thursday for Positive Communities through Music.
The event is part of ‘Any Other Business’, a wider ‘charity open house’ style programme curated by the Goodall Foundation & the Criseren Foundation and presented as part of this years Brighton Festival with the theme of Everyday Epic. AOB serves to open the door on the epic character of social good that Brighton & Hove has, but very few know about
Through a lively series of presentations, discussions and performances we will be shining a spotlight into the work of the charity and how, through a range of innovative projects, from groundbreaking Child to Parent Violence interventions to grass-roots talent development projects, we are achieving our vision of better futures through and for music.
You won’t need to just take our word for it, young people’s voice will be centre stage throughout the event so come and find out straight from the horses mouth how music has been the most powerful agent for change for many of the people and communities with who we work.
Positive Communities through Music – Thu 25th May, 4.30 – 6pm @ The Basement, Kensington Street. Brighton – Part of AOB & Brighton Festival
Free tickets available here. Please register
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