AudioActive’s schedule of Free Music Sessions for Young People in Sussex

We’ve compiled some COVID-19 related resources for musicians and freelancers, that could support people working in the sector
Government Self-Employment Income Support Scheme: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-revenue-customs/contact/get-help-with-the-self-employment-income-support-scheme
ACE Funding for COVID (grants upto 2,500 for those who have already received ACE funding):
Help Musicians (grants up to 500):
Musicians Union Hardship Fund (grants up to 200) You must be a member (membership costs 113 p/yr and includes public liability insurance that must be activated once a member):
Crew Nation: Global Relief Fund for Music Crews: https://crewnation.
A_N art organisers / technician hardhip bursary support fund: https://www.a-n.co.uk/news/a-
AIM fund for contractors and freelance workers in the independent music industry: https://www.aim.org.uk/#/news/
PRS Emergency Relief Fund: https://www.prsformusic.com/c/
ISM – collated funding sources: https://www.ism.org/advice/funds-musicians-covid-19
Facebook Network: https://www.facebook.com/groups/142964673673928/
COVID Freelancer Resources: https://
Social Distancing Festival: https://www.socialdistancingfestival.com
Freelance artist resource: https://
A_N info and artist support: https://www.a-n.co.uk/news/
Young Women’s trust: https://www.youngwomenstrust.
Teaching Staff Trust: http://www.teachingstafftrust.
Business Funding and Options Advice: https://docs.google.com/
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